There is plenty of creativity within the international graffiti and street art scene. Writing text messages in public spaces has been a unique art form and a means of communication between humans for over 30,000 years. Many street artists work only with text, written messages or poems, and not necessarily only with colourful murals, styles, tags and logos. Street Messages is the first publication that delivers a deep insight into this literary form of expression in the world of global street art.
The streets are full of artistic and poetic forms of expression – messages written by graffiti and street artists. Street Messages offers a historic
background to written messages in public spaces and introduces more than 80 artists from across the world who work exclusively or partly with text. The vast body of information and numerous
exclusive quotes and words of wisdom makes Street Messages the first book to shed some light on this as yet undocumented form of street art culture.
Features artwork by Banksy, Dolk, Ben Eine, Faith 47, Flint…, Kid Acne, Know Hope, Laser 3.14, Mobstr, Skki and many more.
144 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-91-85639-73-1
23,00 €
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(Travelling through Burma - A journey to the Shan people)
14,00 €
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Nachdem der Autor Nicholas Ganz 2012 sein Buch "Unterwegs in Burma" veröffentlicht hat, ging er 2013 auf eine deutschlandweite Lese- und Vortragsreihe. Nun ist die Lesung erstmalig auf einer CD
Da sich bis heute in dem Land kaum etwas getan hat, ist der Vortrag aktueller denn je und gibt einen informativen Hintergrund über die Ursachen der Konflikte in Burma.
Burma (oder Myanmar / Birma) ist eines der ärmsten Länder Südostasiens und nach dem Ende der Militärdiktatur befindet sich der Vielvölkerstaat in einem politischen Umbruch. Das weitgehend
unbekannte Volk der Shan gehört zu den größten ethnischen Volksgruppen des Landes und sie können auf eine uralte Geschichte und Kultur zurückblicken, welche für die kulturelle Entwicklung
Südostasiens eine bedeutsame Rolle gespielt hat.
Der Vortrag beschreibt eine abenteuerliche Reise durch faszinierende Landschaften und uralte Traditionen in das Herz der Shan. In den Gesprächen mit Historikern, Kulturbeauftragten und einfachen
Bauern wird ein authentischer Blick auf diese Volksgruppe gewährt. Doch die tragische Geschichte dieses Volkes begann in Burma, als das Militär 1962 putschte und seitdem die Shan und andere
ethnische Volksgruppen des Landes mit ihren historischen Kulturen fast vernichtete. Die Zeugnisse von Flüchtlingen, ehemaligen Drogenbaronen und Kommandeuren von Guerilla-Armeen zeigen die dunkle
Seite eines fast 50 Jahre andauernden Bürgerkrieges und geben einen umfassenden und ehrlichen Einblick auf das Volk der Shan.
insgesamt 100 Minuten
Aufgenommen am 17. Juni 2013 im Linken Zentrum Stuttgart.
12,00 €
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Together with co-author Elena Jotow I put together this book as a true representation of this fascinating country with a tragic
dictatorship as government. The book shows the beautiful landscape and cultural monuments, that this unknown country has to offer. At the same time it shows the readers the tragedy of the
human-rights abuses, the civil-war against the ethnic minorities and the sheer poverty caused by the economic mismanagement by the dictators.
On 200 pages the book gives a good insight into this South-East Asian country with a glance into her history, a journey through
the country and an insight to the ongoing conflicts and problems.
200 pages, 243 photographs, softcover
ISBN 978-0-500-28787-3
14,00 €
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Das komplette Set zu Unterwegs in Burma.
- die CD Unterwegs in Burma - Die Lesung
100 Minuten Spielzeit - 2 CDS
- das Buch Unterwegs in Burma
292 Seiten, Softcover
- das Tourposter
Größe 59x42cm
- eine Postkarte vom Shan Neujahr in Burma
Falls ein signiertes Poster oder gewidmetes Buch verlangt wird, bitte bei der Bestellung kurz angeben.
Das Poster wird gefaltet mit gesendet, falls ein ungerollter Versand als Rolle gewünscht wird, bitte melden.
27,00 €
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I have one last copy of the Italian translation of Graffiti World. It is a hardcover book.
For a signed copie, please leave me a message with your order and you get a signed copy of the book.
15,00 €
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The Dutch translation of Graffiti World, that was published in the Netherlands. I have one last copy in my store, it has softcover.
For signed copies, please leave me a message with your order and you get a signed copy of the book.
15,00 €
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With over 2,000 pictures of artworks from more than 180 international artists, no other book is remotely so comprehensive or up to date. Nicholas Ganz combines his own first-hand experiences with quotes from the artists themselves to offer a true insider’s perspective of the key trends and style developments that have made graffiti what it is today: a global phenomenon.
• An updated and revised edition of this classic
• Dazzling design, bursting with artwork from a whole host of writers
• Includes detailed profiles of over 180 artists from around the world
• Offers an insider’s perspective of graffiti through quotes from the artists themselves and the author’s own experiences
25,00 €
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This little D.I.Y. brochure contains my first published poems in German language, photographs and artworks.
42 pages, softcover
2,00 €
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I have some posters from my designs for the Celebrate People's History poster series by Josh MacPhee for sale. The text of this poster about the resistance group against Hitler's regime White
Rose reads as follows: "The White Rose - After Hitler took power in 1933, several resistance groups fought against the regime. The White Rise was founded in 1942 and based in Munich. Its members
were students Hans and Sophie Scholl, Christoph Probst, Willi Graf, Alexander Schmorell, and professor Kurt Huber. Against great odds and heavy repression, they printed six different leaflets
against the Nazis, and at one point they painted slogans like 'Down with Hitler' and 'Freedom`in the streets.
While distributing leaflets in 1943 they were caught and later executed. Their resistance made them legendary and gave great courage to all who opposed the Nazis.
'Support the Resistance Movement - Spread Leaflets!' - The White Rose."
Signed and limited edition of 15. Silk-screen print on 150g paper.
Size: 28x43 cm
12,00 €
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I have some posters from my designs for the Celebrate People's History poster series by Josh MacPhee for sale. The text of this poster about the democratic uprising in Burma 1988 reads as
follows: "8.8.88 - The Democratic Uprising in Burma - On August 8, 1988, hundreds of thousands of workers, students, monks, mothers and children gathered in the streets all across Burma to demand
an end to the brutal military dictatorship. As a response the military junta sent troops to quell the urprising and in the following weeks ten thousand people were murdered. Thousands fled to the
border into Thailand to gain refuge. Others joined rebel armies and took up arms to protect their people and fight for freedom. 8.8.88 made visible the resistance against the military and has
become and enduring symbol of the Burmese struggle for democracy."
Signed and limited edition of 15. Silk-screen print on 150g paper.
To see a larger version of the print, please click on the image.
Size: 28x43 cm
12,00 €
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An original two-colour linocut from the year 2005. Hand-printed and strictly limited. I have only a few prints left, so get them until they are gone.
Signed and numbered two-colour linocut on thick watercolour-paper.
To see a larger version of the print, please click on the image.
Edition of 20
Size: 29x21 cm
27,00 €
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The official poster from the lecture-tour with my latest book "Unterwegs in Burma - eine Reise zum Volk der Shan" (Travelling through Burma - a journey to the Shan people).
The photo and layout is done by myself. The lectures are still going on, but for people, who like to get a unique photo with an original signature, this is a great opportunity.
To see a larger version of the poster, please click on the image.
Signed, open edition. Offset-print on 200g paper.
Size: 59x42 cm
6,00 €
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For translations in other languages (not professional, but better than nothing), please use the following google tool: